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Ayano Kataoka
July 7, 2024The BEST shopping ever!Greetings from Japan! I have been looking for a set of bird calls for a long time. I finally found one on Mercari, a Japanese e-commerce marketplace! I believe this is a complete set by MAURILIO from Brazil. They are gorgeous! I am super excited to own them. Composers, please write a piece for bird calls for me!

Friday, June 21, 2024Incredible female percussionists - the best two!At the Yellow Barn Music Festival, I was so fortunate and honored to perform with these fantastic female percussionists, Aiyun Huang and Ji Hye Jung. They possess extraordinary artistry and beautiful personalities, and their creativity is truly inspiring. I enjoyed working with them every moment and spending time with them for meals and parties... such precious times!

June 6, 2024R.I.P. Stuart Saunders SmithI first met Stuart and Sylvia Smith in Baltimore in 2002 when Stuart was the Professor of Composition at the University of Maryland Baltimore County while I was a graduate student at Peabody Conservatory. I visited their residence to receive a score of ...And Points North, a music-theater work for solo percussionist/narrator that Stuart wrote for the percussion virtuoso Steven Schick. I still vividly remember an absolute sensation that struck me when I listened to the recording of ...And Points North for the first time performed by Mr. Schick. Consisting of three movements, it is about a heart searching for the spirit of the North, which reflects Stuart’s hommage and nostalgia for his home state, Maine, and Passamaquoddy, native Americans that remain in the region. The genuineness and purity of this composition deserve special recognition. The beauty of theatrical staging and lyrical spoken texts that Stuart thoughtfully crafted in each movement, “found” instruments that are mostly called for materials from the city (junk metals and pipes) and woods (logs, rocks, dead leaves), bird calls and Passamaquoddy language to conclude the soul journey dramatically in the end - I strongly believe that ...And Points North excels as an extraordinary, the only-one-kind piece for percussion theater work that I can’t identify any other works that resonate to this level of originality. Songs I-IX is also recognized as one of his landmark theater-percussion works played by generations of percussionists. They are just a few to name - He pioneered this avant-garde genre to create refined literature, which challenges percussionists to develop a new artistic approach with intellectual interpretation as opposed to playing drums loudly with repetitive rhythms in 4/4. His diverse and extensive compositions - from solo, duo, mixed ensembles, theatrical works, percussion “opera”, and open instrumentation to larger ensembles - count over 200, most of which feature percussion as the primary instrument. His contributions to vibraphone literature, such as the Links series of vibraphone essays and many more to follow, are particularly noteworthy. I had the privilege to premiere one of his recent compositions, a 50-minute length gorgeous vibraphone (or piano) solo, Eternity, in early 2022.

His passion and enthusiasm for composition had never decreased. His sense of humanity, both artistically and personally, will be remembered by many who had worked with him.

Rest in Peace, Stuart -
With countless gratitude,

Sunday, April 07, 2024Soldier's Tale at the CMSTeam Soldier's Tale! It is always a lot of fun to perform Stravinsky's signature work!

Sunday, March 10, 2024Reunion in Ann Arbor!This photo is from a gathering after the Day of Percussion at the University of Michigan. We all graduated from Yale! What a surprise to run into Michael Mizrahi and Mark Danciger from NOW Ensemble. It was also lovely to see Karisa Weldon. Smiles with Yale classmates and percussion buddies!

Thursday, March 07, 2024Eduardo Leandro at UMass AmherstWelcome back to UMass Amherst, Eduardo! Eduardo used to teach at UMass, and I took over his position in 2008 after he left. We enjoyed his master class very much today. Hopefully, there will be more - Eduardo, you are always welcome "home"!

Thursday, February 01, 2024A beautiful gift!A surprise gift from the percussion studio at HfMT Köln! Now, I am completing teaching duties at Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln (Wuppertal). I feel fulfilled - I will miss the students and new friends I made in Wuppertal/Köln. I definitely would love to come back!

Sunday, January 28, 2024Skulpturenpark WaldfriedenLuckily it turns out to be a beautiful sunny day to visit the Waldfrieden Sculpture Park, where you can walk in the woods and check out contemporary sculpture works by founder Tony Cragg & others. You can receive full of artistic inspiration in a peaceful nature. I enjoyed it very much!

Saturday, January 27, 2024Schlagzeugabend Vol. 2 (Kammermusik)After having intensive rehearsals, we made it! It was a magical concert. I am so thankful that I have had opportunities to work with these wonderful students at HfMT Köln since October.

Monday, January 22, 2024excursion: Adams FactoryRented a car for the first time in Germany, and made a trip to Adams Factory in the Netherlands! It was amazing to see their HUGE factory in the back of the showroom. These kettles are ready to become timpani!

Saturday, December 16, 2023Masterclass at Hochschule für Musik DetmoldI had a wonderful two-day visit to give a masterclass at Hochschule für Musik Detmold. I finally met an incredible Japanese marimbist Fumito Nunoya in person, who has been teaching here for 13 years, and the head of the percussion department Prof. Peter Prommel, who has spent for the last 25 years to develop the vibrant studio. I heard many excellent performances by the students here, who were very motivated and diligent - Well done!

Wednesday, November 29, 2023Opening of Christmas market in Dresden!Greetings from Dresden! Fortunately I was able to be at an opening ceremony of the Christmas market in Dresden on my birthday this year. Dresdner Striezelmarkt is the oldest Christmas market in Germany - this year marks the 589th edition! What a history. It was beautiful and special - I hope to come back again someday!
Tuesday, October 31, 2023Happy Halloween!I am back in the USA for a week to perform Bartok’s “Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion” with amazing pianists Alessio Bax, Lucille Chung, and my CMS percussion bro (!) Ian Rosenbaum at the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center. I found this adorable Jack-o’-lanterns on a street in my neighborhood in Brooklyn - I couldn’t ignore them :)

Sunday, October 22, 2023Donaueschinger MusiktageI went to the Donaueschingen Festival, the oldest festival for contemporary music in the world. Founded in 1921, this historical three-day event was quite powerful and engaging. It was amazing to witness that thousands of people were excited to visit this small town for the weekend to check out those intense shows. Every single concert was PACKED! How audience express their appreciation and respect to artist’s performances was remarkable. Huge congrats to the two-piano & two-percussion quartet “Yarn/Wire”, a representative from the USA this year. They presented two different programs, which must have been a lot of work to prepare - They KILLED it!

Sunday, October 15, 2023Got a bike!Mirek Pyschny, my new colleague/friend at HfMT Köln in Wuppertal, helped me find a bike on “kleinanzeigen” (German version of Craigslist)! This was the third bike for me to check it out because the first two were too tall for me… I am very excited to bike on “Nordbahntrasse” to commute between my flat and HfMT!

Monday, October 02, 2023Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln (Wuppertal)Officially I start teaching at HfMT Köln (Wuppertal campus) today! Looking forward to meeting and working with new students and colleagues for exciting collaborations. I will be teaching 8 percussion students in Wintersemester 2023/2024!

Tuesday, September 26, 2023Wuppertal, GermanyIt has been a week since I arrived in Wuppertal, Germany. I've got a cute apartment in the neighborhood called Luisenviertel, which is considered to be the "Old Town of Wuppertal". The area has a lot of character with historic old architectures, and it's surrounded by numerous gastronomic cafes, restaurants, craft and art shops. People are very nice and kind - In fact, I feel somewhat the area has special vibes to connect people. A few cases that I have met people and become friends so far have been quite interesting and miracle. I enjoy spending time here very much.
...I will be starting to teach at HfMT Köln Wuppertal next week!

Tuesday, September 19, 2023Teaching Exchange Project!Even though this is the second photo of the day, I should post this to have a record of us as the teaching exchange partner! (We were so busy for the last two weeks that we finally got to take photos together right before I left for Germany...) We wish each of us the best with great success in teaching at the studio that we exchange, and have a fantastic time and journey in each country and beyond!
Lukas Böhm - Visiting Professor of Percussion at UMass Amherst (Fall 2023)
Ayano Kataoka - Visiting Professor of Percussion at Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln Wuppertal (Wintersemester 2023/2024)

Tuesday, September 19, 2023UMass Amherst Percussion Studio with Lukas Böhm!I am extremely thrilled to welcome my new dear friend Lukas Böhm to UMass Amherst Percussion Studio as the Visiting Professor of Percussion in Fall '23! Lukas is a brilliant percussionist from Germany - Click "READ MORE" below the photo and read his superb bio! Lukas arrived in Amherst on Labor Day. For the last two weeks, we spent some time together to put a few pieces for duo, and performed on campus as well as at the Drake, a venue in downtown Amherst. It was such a special time! You may be wondering why Lukas is at UMass... Well, we've got an opportunity to exchange our teaching positions for a semester! Now it's my turn to head out to Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln (Wuppertal), where Lukas holds his professorship.
More news will come soon - stay tuned!

Sunday, August 20, 2023Lake Champlain Chamber Music Festival 2023I had another fantastic summer at the Lake Champlain Chamber Music Festival! Working with amazing musicians as well as dedicated stage crew, having tasty meals and local beer (which Vermonters are very serious about), visiting vigorous farmer's market, walking on beautiful hiking trails - what a precious time!
(photo credit: Luke Awtry)

Saturday, July 29, 2023Sō Percussion Summer Insitute @ Princeton Univ.I have spent an inspiring week at Sō Percussion Summer Institute! It's SōSI's 15th summer - I am so grateful to witness a growth of this program. Repertoire that participants work/perform during the two-week period are all new works by SōSI/Princeton composers. All activities are based on collaboration, each other's care and support, and community service. I heard many compositions that were unique and creative, and percussionists did excellent job to premiere them. The photo presents the female power of the SōSI - Yay!
Monday, June 19, 2023Yellow Barn Young Artist Program 2023: Part 2A photo with this year's young talented percussionists at YAP and the BOSS of YAP's percussion team Terry Sweeney! AJ & Karls KILLED "catfish" by Mark Applebarm - I am so proud of them! (from left to right: "Akira" J Hudson, Karl Lee, me, Karl Olson, and Terry Sweeney)

Saturday, June 17, 2023Yellow Barn Young Artist Program 2023: Part 1What a treat to perform with this guy tonight! Alexi Kenny is a phenomenal violinist. We played a beautiful piece for violin and vibraphone "Komorebi" by Salina Fisher. I am amazed that Alexi is very tall...!! (Well, I am too small ;)

Tuesday, May 16, 2023UMPG: Class of 2022-23Oh my god! My studio has filled with balloons! It is so sweet of my students to decorate the room and celebrate the great year. I feel rewarding every year at the end of academic year. Thanks for your dedicated work! Have a wonderful and productive summer!

Thursday, May 04, 2023UMass Percussion Ensemble: Threads!UMass version of Threads by Paul Lansky is to have two sets of (almost) entire percussion setups, and students play back to back. Does it make sense? ...Well, you have to see it next time! Each percussion major student got assigned 5 movements each this semester. Most of them got assigned different parts in different movements so everyone got to play different instruments (mallet instruments, drums, toys etc). Figuring out logistics was challenging and I admit that it was not always organized well, but I believe they've learned so much by doing this way. Great job, gang!

Saturday, December 03, 2022My cat Gretel is a trooper!Look at this girl! She never gave up to catch the game, and brought it to me as a (belated) birthday gift...

Monday, November 07, 2022Master Class at Boston ConservatoryI had a wonderful time to work with students at BoCo! The students played wide range of marimba literature - from transcription to a groovy or abstract contemporary music - for me. They played very well! Thank you Nancy Zeltsman, a legendary marimba virtuoso as well as a great pedagogue, for inviting me to your studio. While everyone played marimba for me, we took a group photo with a bass drum because I played Rebonds (multi-percussion solo)... and the Pearl was one of the sponsors to make it happen ;)

Thursday, September 29, 2022Powerful female percussion quartet!I had a great recording session at Michigan State University with these super ladies (performers) and Doug Perkins (producer) whom I respect as both fantastic percussionists and wonderful human beings. Getting together for nice meals and drinks with fun conversations and a lot of laugh is certainly the best part too... We will have to do it more! Thanks Gwen for hosting us.
Super ladies = Ji Su Jung, Gwen Dease, and Ji Hye Jung

Sunday, August 28, 2022Lake Champlain Chamber Music FestivalI had a fantastic week at Lake Champlain Chamber Music Festival in Burlington, VT! Performed Igor Stravinsky's Soldier's Tale, David Ludwig's new work for solo clarinet and orchestra (clarinet solo by AMAZING David Shifrin!) and Steven Mackey's Micro-Concerto. Wonderful artists and dedicated stage crew members to work with - as always!

Friday, August 12, 2022Kalavinka Quartet by James WoodI had great sessions to record "Kalavinka Quartet" by James Wood with Eduardo Leandro, Sam Um, and Matthew Overbay at Stony Brook University. It was a challenging piece to learn, but rewarding to do in the end. Looking forward to the final product by Eduardo, whose editing skills are magical...

Tuesday, August 02, 2022ChamberFest West: Part II - Bartok!Came back from Calgary with fulfilled experience! I had a lot of fun performing Bartok's Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion with remarkable pianists Matan Porat and Roman Rabinovich, and the excellent principal timpanist of Calgary Symphony Orchestra Alex Cohen last Sunday. I made a lot of friends who possess wonderful spirit, energy, and artistic vision towards music making. I witnessed many special moments during this week-long festival. Huge congratulations on Roman and Diana for such a successful inaugural year of ChamberFest West!
Saturday, July 30, 2022ChamberFest West: Part I - Xenakis!I was honored to be invited to a brand new chamber music festival "ChamberFest West" in Calgary, Canada, organized by co-artistic directors fantastic Diana Cohen and Roman Rabinovich. Amazing musicians with amazing music making in a beautiful city - it is such a treat! I performed Xenakis' Rebonds a at a contemporary museum in downtown last night.
Saturday, July 09, 2022with Alejandro Viñao in KamakuraAlejandro Viñao is known for a brilliant Argentinian/English composer who has particularly contributed a number of stunning works for percussion, from solo to chamber ensembles over decades. He is visiting Japan to be a guest speaker for his portrait concerts as well as to give lectures at music schools organized by Japanese marimbist Kunihiko Komori. I took Alejandro to Kamakura, a famous historical town (about an hour south from Tokyo by train) on his day-off! We walked a lot to check out various temples and had a wonderful vegan lunch - it was a memorable day!

Thursday, June 30, 2022Yellow Barn Young Artist Program 2022Had a wonderful time to work with young talented musicians at YAP again this summer. Great team, excellent job!
Photo: with Terry Sweeney, Matt Boyle, Judy Hu, Matthew Enfinger
(from right to left)

Saturday, June 11, 2022Awed by the power of natureWe are almost towards the end of fantastic trip in Argentina. We went to see Iguazú falls on a gorgeous day - Stunning! An Awe-struck experience by powerful moving water.

Sunday, June 05, 2022Buenos Aires!Hola from Buenos Aires! I am here with my UMass graduate students/friends Ignacio Corrales and Maddy Dethloff. We had a successful (sold-out!) concert at Centro Cultural Recoleta on June 4. We are having a wonderful time - the photo is from Caminito ("little walkway" or "little path" in Spanish), a cute alley that inspired the music for the famous tango "Caminito" (1926), composed by Juan de Dios Filiberto.
(photo: with Maddy Dethloff)

Tuesday, May 03, 2022Ancient Voices of Children by George Crumb"Ancient Voices of Children" by George Crumb is absolutely a phenomenal and sensational piece - I felt fortunate to perform it with such wonderful musicians at the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center this evening. We all miss George, who passed away last February at age 92. Thank you George for your innovative imagination and artistry - your music is a treasure for us.

Sunday, February 27, 2022Eternity for vibraphone solo by Stuart Saunders Smith (World Premiere)I gave a world premiere of "Eternity", an hour long piece for vibraphone solo on my faculty recital at UMass Amherst. The experience of performing non-stop for an hour was quite a musical journey for me - I felt fulfilling and nurtured by his music at the end. Thank you Stuart for your artistry, musical challenges that you always give me, and your warm friendship.
Monday, February 14, 2022"Elements" was a huge success!Thank you so much for your support and attendance to our collaborative show between UMass Percussion Studio and Dance Program! While our show on Feb 4th was unfortunately cancelled due to the campus closure affected by the weather, we were still able to present one show on February 5. Hoping to have more collaborations with dance in the future!

Saturday, February 05, 2022Workshop by Glen Velez at UMass Amherst!I am so happy for my students to get to work with four-time Grammy winner and founding father of the modern frame drum movement Glen Velez!

Wednesday, November 24, 2021CMS Front Row Artist SeriesI am humbly honored and grateful that the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center features me on their "Artist Series" - the video remains on demand through December 1. It was fun to trace my musical journey from my childhood up to the present. Look for little Ayano!
(Photo: my older sister and I!)

Friday, November 19, 2021UMass Amherst Percussion Ensemble Concert was a success!We had a wonderful concert - I am so proud of my students! Go UMPG!

Thursday, October 28, 2021CMS New Milestones Concert!So happy to be back at the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center - CMS's first New Milestones concert of the year was a big success! It was truly an inspiring week to work with amazing musicians. The concert was live-streamed, and it will remain on demand for one week. Check it out!
Photo: with Sooyun Kim and Todd Palmer - you guys ROCK!

Saturday, October 09, 2021Sunday, October 17: Percussion Day at UMass AmherstWorking hard on Garth Neustadter’s “Seaborne” with my percussion students at UMass Amherst. I am playing... piano! (What a surprise!) Come to see us at UMass Percussion Day on October 17! Mike Truesdell (www.miketruesdell.com), Assistant Professor of Percussion at Ithaca College, will be one of our guest artists to give us a masterclass and a solo recital!
Wednesday, September 01, 2021Professor of Percussion at UMass AmherstAs of today, I have become Professor of Percussion at University of Massacchusetts Amherst, Department of Music and Dance. Perhaps people can call me “PP Ayano” lol
…Thank you for your continuous support!
Photo: with my former UMass student as well as my wonderful colleague/friend Jeff Stern :)

Sunday, June 20, 2021Yellow Barn's Young Artists Program!I had a wonderful time working with these 4 talented young percussionists at Yellow Barn's Young Artists Program. They performed fantastic at their first concert of the season! It was the first live concert for me to attend since the pandemic happened in spring 2020 - It was special. More performances are coming up - check them out! (Photo: with Joshua Weinfeld, Jessie Chiang, Nupur Thakkar, and Hsiao-Tsu Huang)
June 3, 2021Website has been renewed!ようこそ!Welcome to my website! Lots of new contents have been added and updated. Huge THANKS to Aestheticize Media!
(This photo was taken in Maine a couple of years ago - Looking forward to being able to travel again soon!)

Saturday, May 22, 2021UMass Amherst Percussion Ensemble Spring '21 Concert was premiered!UMass Amherst Percussion Ensemble Spring '21 was premiered at 7:30pm (EST) last night (May 21) - Check it out!
Photo: with my excellent Graduate Teaching Assistants, Maddy Dethloff (left) and Morgan Sutherland (right) - we gave a world premiere of "Pastels" for vibraphone trio by Emerson Sudbury!

May 17, 2021UMass Percussion Studio: Percussion Ensemble Concert (online)While it was a challenging year, we've done a lot of great work at UMass Amherst. 5-day recording sessions on 4/26-30 were one of the highlights of the year. We are in process of getting ready for streaming via our music department's YouTube Channel - Stay tuned!

Saturday, March 14, 2020CANCELED: Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterUnfortunately, the concerts this weekend (March 14 at Purchase College; March 15 at Alice Tully Hall) have been canceled as the COVID-19 situation continues to develop.

Percussionist and marimbist Ayano Kataoka is known for her brilliant and dynamic technique, as well as the unique elegance and artistry she brings to her performances. She is currently Professor of Percussion at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where she is honored to receive The 2023-24 Distinguished Faculty Lecture Series and Chancellor’s Medal. She has been a season artist of the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center since 2006 when she was chosen as the first percussionist for the society’s prestigious residency program, The Bowers Program (formerly Chamber Music Society Two), a three-season residency program for emerging artists offering high-profile performance opportunities in collaboration with The Chamber Music Society. A retrospective of her early life along with interviews and performances were featured on the CMS’ live stream program Artist Series in fall 2021.
Together with cellist Yo-Yo Ma at the American Museum of Natural History, Ms. Kataoka gave a world premiere of Bruce Adolphe’s Self Comes to Mind for cello and two percussionists, based on a text by neuroscientist Antonio Damasio, and featuring interactive video images of brain scans triggered by the live music performance. She presented a solo recital as part of the prestigious B to C (Bach to Contemporary) recital series at Tokyo Opera City Recital Hall, which was broadcast on NHK, the national public station of Japan.
Other highlights of her performances include a performance of Steven Mackey’s Micro-Concerto for Percussion Solo and Chamber Ensemble at Alice Tully Hall, a theatrical performance of Stravinsky's Soldier's Tale at the 92nd Street Y with violinist Jaime Laredo and actors Alan Alda and Noah Wyle, and performances of Bartok’s Sonata for Two Pianos and percussion with pianist Emanuel Ax. Her music festival appearances include Music@Menlo, Chamber Music Northwest, Yellow Barn, Lake Champlain, Caramoor, Bridgehampton, Skaneateles, Emerald City Music, ChamberFest West, and Salt Bay Chamberfest. Her performances can be also heard on the Deutsche Grammophon, Naxos, New World, Bridge, New Focus, and Albany recording labels.
Since 2013, Ms. Kataoka has toured in the U.S. and Mexico extensively as a percussionist for Cuatro Corridos, a chamber opera led by Grammy Award winning soprano Susan Narucki and noted Mexican author Jorge Volpi that addresses human trafficking across the U.S.-Mexican border. The recording of Cuatro Corridos on the Bridge Records label has earned a 2017 Latin Grammy Nomination in the Best Contemporary Classical Composition category.
A leading proponent of contemporary repertoire, Ms. Kataoka has commissioned and/or premiered works for percussion by such composers as George Crumb, Paul Lansky, Alejandro Viñao, James Wood, and Lukas Ligeti. She is particularly drawn to compositions that involve the whole person, using standard percussion instruments and unique musical materials along with spoken voice, singing, acting, and elegant props. She has given numerous performances and master classes throughout the U.S. and Canada featuring Stuart Saunders Smith’s percussion/theatre music. She also appeared as an onstage musician with a small acting part in the Yale Repertory Theatre production of Shakespeare's All's Well That Ends Well.
A native of Japan, Ms. Kataoka began her marimba studies at age five, and percussion at fifteen. She started her performing career as a marimbist with a tour of China at the age of nine. She received her Bachelor of Music degree from Tokyo University of the Arts, her Master of Music degree from Peabody Conservatory, and her Artist Diploma degree from Yale School of Music, where she studied with marimba virtuoso Robert van Sice.
...A petite woman with giant talent, Ms. Kataoka had choreographed herself to always be in the right place at the right time, and the audience seemed genuinely intrigued by her every move and by all the varied sounds she produced.

...[Kataoka's] frock was a contemporary take on traditional Japanese dress with a shortened skirt and a fanciful obi.OberonOberon's Grove
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...in the second half of the program, the traditional characteristics of percussion instruments are brought to the forefront, in the established and complex works of Mackey and Xenakis... [Kataoka] brilliantly caught the intricate rhythm pattern [of Xenakis].Junichi IshizukaOngaku Gendai
While it was an incredibly thought-provoking and challenging series of works, [Kataoka] invited the audience to look and feel the music, making it a very fun and enjoyable contemporary music concert.
(日本語レビュー:read more in Japanese)Toshio SaitoMercure des Arts
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...Kataoka’s performance of the Prelude [from Bach’s Violin Partita No. 3, BWV 1006] established a template for the rest of the Partita, and the entire program, with the musical architecture unfolding in a clear and deeply musical fashion. The slow and graceful Loure was especially moving, as Kataoka’s playing revealed music so sweetly austere that each note seemed to open a new emotional world. Benjamin FrandzelSan Fransisco Classical Voice
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There were humorous touches as the musicians turned the pages of the scores on the table with exaggerated gravity, Ms. Kataoka peering at one page with feigned surprise before their hands began their energetic ballet, sometimes moving in tandem like synchronized swimmers.Vivien SchweitzerThe New York Times
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[The music] began in darkness, and the lights remained low, even after Ms. Kataoka, barefoot, made her entrance and subsequently made her balletic way about a variety of percussion instruments arrayed across the stage.

...played by the amazing percussionist, Ayano Kataoka, whose movements, as she plays her instrument, approach a dance.
Michael MillerThe Berkshire Review
The featured soloists are four members of the Percussion Collective: Victor Caccese, Ayano Kataoka, Doug Perry, and Svet Stoyanov. They were outstanding. The soloists demonstrated a jaw-dropping level of skill, precision, and artistry in the performance [of Percussion Concerto "Drum Circles" by Christopher Theofanidis.] The music not only demands individual virtuosity but an extreme synergy in executing not only the complex rhythmic patterns but the intricate, lyrical lines. The four percussionists worked together so seamlessly that they almost seemed to share a kind of psychic connection. Hearing (and seeing) them perform was a pure joy.Jessica RudmanHartford Courant
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Upcoming Performances

Sunday, November 10, 2024Boston Chamber Music Society: Brahms, Bax, PutsSanders Theatre at Harvard UniversityCambridge, MAmore info...tickets...
view map
Saturday, November 23, 2024Percussion Day + Percussion EnsembleUMass Amherst Fine Arts CenterAmherst, MAmore info...
view map

Past Performances

Tuesday, October 01, 2024Vibraphone Music by Stuart Saunder SmithArray SpaceToronto, ONFeaturing vibraphone music by Stuart S. SmithLinks No. 10 by Stuart S. Smith
Eternity for vibraphone solo by Stuart S. Smith
Thursday, September 19, 2024Art + Music: In collaboration with the UMCAUMass Amherst Fine Arts Center - Bezanson Recital HallAmherst, MACurated by UMass Music Faculty Steven Beck (piano) and Ayano Kataoka (percussion), UMass Music Department is presenting a special program inspired by "Courtney M. Leonard BREACH: LOGBOOK 24 | STACCATO" hosted the University Museum of Contemporary Arts.
Works by Crumb, Nono, Negron, Takemitsu, and others
more info...
Sunday, August 18, 2024Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center in Saratoga SpringsSpa Little Theatre, Saratoga Performing Arts CenterSaratoga Springs, NYWorks by J.S. Bach, Vivaldi, Saint-Saëns, and othersmore info...
Friday, June 21, 2024Yellow Barn Young Artist Program: Special Concert by Percussion The Big BarnPutney, VTPerformance by Aiyun Huang, Ji Hye Jung, and Ayano KataokaAn hour-long performance followed by a discussion with the performers
Selected variations from the Goldberg Variations by J.S. Bach
Chattering Birds by Dai Fujikura
Time for Marimba by Minoru Miki
Table Music by Theirry De Mey
Three movements from "The Authors" by Stuart Saunders Smith
Windward by David Bithell
more info...
Wednesday, May 22, 2024Sejong Soloists: Sejong Here and Now Festival 2024Carnegie Hall - Zankel HallNew York, NYSejong at 30: Four Concertmaster Alumni Share Insights and MemoriesPuzzles and Games by Unsuk Chin (US premiere)
Texu Kim (b. 1980): with/out – Concerto for four violins and orchestra (World Premiere)
more info...
Friday, May 17, 2024Sejong Soloists: Sejong Here and Now Festival 2024Carnegie Hall - Zankel HallNew York, NYAn Exploration of Musical Mastery: Bach, Tchaikovsky, and a World Premiere by Augusta Read Thomas"Haemosu's Celestial Chariot Ride" For solo saxophone, 7 players, and string orchestra (World Premiere) by Augusta Read Thomas
Saxophone Solo: Steven Banks, Conductor: Hannah von Wiehler
more info...
Saturday, May 04, 2024Concert at Grove FoundationArmonk, NYmore info...
Tuesday, April 30, 2024UMass Amherst Percussion EnsembleUMass Amherst Fine Arts Center - Fine Arts Center Concert HallAmherst, MA
Saturday, April 13, 2024UMass Percussion Ensemble at BMACBrattleboro Museum and Art CenterBrattleboro, VT
Sunday, April 07, 2024The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center: Soldier’s TaleAlice Tully HallNew York, NY
Sunday, March 10, 20242024 PAS Michigan Chapter Day of PercussionUniversity of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & DanceAnn Arbor, Michigan
Thursday, February 29, 2024Distinguished Faculty Lecture SeriesThe Old Chapelmore info...
Saturday, January 27, 2024Schlagzeugabend at HfMT Köln / Standort WuppertalKonzertsaalWuppertal, Germany
Tuesday, October 31, 2023The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center: Thrills and ChillsAlice Tully HallNew York, NYSonata for two pianos and percussion by Béla Bartókmore info...
Saturday, September 16, 2023Percussion Day at UMass Amherst: Final ConcertBezanson Recital HallAmherst, MA
Thursday, September 14, 2023Ayano Kataoka in ConcertBrattleboro Museum and Art CenterBrattleboro, VTEternity for vibraphone solo by Stuart S. Smithmore info...
Sunday, September 10, 2023Concert at the Drake with Lukas BöhmThe Drake AmherstAmherst, MA
Friday, August 25, 2023House Blend Concert III @ PS21 ChathamOpen-Air Pavilion TheaterChatham, New Yorkmore info...
Sunday, August 20, 2023Lake Champlain Chamber Music FestivalElley-Long Music CenterColchester, VTmore info...
Saturday, June 17, 2023Yellow Barn: YAP Concert + Alexi KennyThe Big BarnPutney, VTKomorebi for violin and vibraphone by Salina Fisher
with Alexi Kenny (violin)
more info...
Thursday, May 04, 2023UMass Amherst Percussion EnsembleUMass Amherst Bromery Center for the Arts: Tillis Concert HallAmherst, MAmore info...
Monday, May 01, 2023Music from Copland House: EPIC VISTAS, LONESOME ROADSCUNY Graduate CenterNew York, NY 10016more info...
Saturday, April 22, 2023Bach Festival: Mass in B MinorUMass Amherst Bromery Center for the Arts: Tillis Concert HallAmherst, MAMass in B Minor by J. S. Bachmore info...
Saturday, March 25, 2023UMass Amherst Percussion Ensemble at BMACBrattleboro Museum and Art CenterBrattleboro, VT
Sunday, February 19, 2023Sensory Friendly Family ConcertKoger Center for the ArtsColumbia, SCExcerpts from "Bird Rhythmics" by Takashi Yoshimatsumore info...
Saturday, February 18, 2023Marimba Concerto with South Carolina PhilharmonicKoger Canter for the ArtsColumbia, SCMarimba Concerto "Bird Rhythmics" by Takashi Yoshimatsumore info...
Saturday, February 04, 2023"Convergence" - Collaboration with Five College DancersTotman Gym at UMass AmherstAmherst, MAConvergence for percussion and electronics by Salvatore Macchia
Monday, November 21, 2022Percussion Ensemble and University Orchestra at UMass AmherstBromery Center for the ArtsAmherst, MA
Sunday, November 13, 2022Iris Collective: November SeriesThe National Civil Rights Museum
Saturday, November 12, 2022Iris Collective: November SeriesGermantown Performing Arts CenterGermantown, TN
Thursday, October 20, 2022Music from Copland HouseCortlandt Manor, NY
Wednesday, September 28, 2022Concert at Michigan State University East Lansing, MI
Sunday, September 11, 2022Yellow Barn: Artist Residency Concert "River Spirits"The Big BarnPutney, VT"River Spirits" for three sopranos and chamber ensemble by Susan Botti
Friday, September 09, 2022Five College New Music FestivalUMass Amherst Fine Arts Center - Bezanson Recital HallAmherst, MA
Sunday, August 28, 2022Lake Champlain Chamber Music FestivalElley-Long Music Center at St. Michael’s CollegeColchester, VT"Les Adieux" Concerto for Clarinet and Chamber Ensemble (LCCMF co-commission) by David Serkin Ludwig
"Micro-Concerto" for solo percussion, flute, clarinet, violin, cello, and piano by Steve Mackey
more info...
Friday, August 26, 2022Lake Champlain Chamber Music FestivalElley-Long Music Center at St. Michael’s CollegeColchester, VTL’histoire du soldat (The Soldier’s Tale) by Igor Stravinskymore info...
Sunday, July 31, 2022ChamberFest West "Big Bang" Bella Concert Hall at Mount Royal UniversityCalgary AB T3E 6K6, CanadaSonata for Two Pianos and Percussion by Bela Bartokmore info...
Friday, July 29, 2022ChamberFest West "Nucleus"Contemporary Calgary, GrottoCalgary AB T2P 2C4, CanadaRebonds a by Iannis Xenakismore info...
Thursday, June 09, 2022Concert at Conservatorio Superior de Musica de la Ciudad de BuenConservatorio Superior de Musica de la Ciudad de Buenos AiresBuenos Aires, Argentina
Saturday, June 04, 2022Concert at Centro Cultural RecoletaCentro Cultural RecoletaAutonomous City of Buenos Aires, ArgentinaIgnacio Corrales, Madeline Dethloff, Ayano Kataoka, percussionmore info...
Tuesday, May 17, 2022The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterAlice Tully HallNew York, NYSaint-Saëns: Le carnaval des animaux for Ensemble (1886) more info...
Sunday, May 15, 2022The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterAlice Tully HallNew York, NYSaint-Saëns: Le carnaval des animaux for Ensemble (1886) more info...
Tuesday, May 03, 2022The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterAlice Tully HallNew York, NYGeorge Crumb: Ancient Voices of Children for Soprano, Boy Soprano, Oboe, Mandolin, Harp, Piano, and Percussion (1970) more info...
Friday, April 22, 2022Cornell Concert Series: The Percussion CollectiveBailey HallIthaca, NYmore info...
Wednesday, April 20, 2022CMS Composers in Focus: Unsuk ChinChamberMusicSociety.orgNew York, NYUnsuk Chin: Allegro ma non troppo for Percussion and Tape (1993-94, Rev. 1998)more info...
Tuesday, April 12, 2022Princeton Sound KitchenTaplin Auditorium, Fine HallPrinceton, NJA new work by Francisco del Pinomore info...
Sunday, March 27, 2022UMass Percussion Ensemble at BMACBrattleboro Museum and Art CenterBrattleboro, VTmore info...
Tuesday, March 01, 2022UMass Amherst Faculty Chamber Concert: Duos & TriosUMass Amherst Fine Arts Center - Bezanson Recital HallAmherst, MAmore info...
Sunday, February 27, 2022Ayano Kataoka Faculty RecitalUMass Amherst Fine Arts Center - Bezanson Recital HallAmherst, MAEternity for vibraphone by Stuart Saunders Smith (world premiere)more info...
Saturday, February 05, 2022"Elements: Movement and Sound"Fred C. Tillis Performance Hall at Bromery Center for the ArtsAmherst, MAUMass Percussion Ensemble and University Dancers collaborate a show togetherWorks by Xenakis, Neustadter/van Sice, Glass, and Treuting
more info...
Saturday, February 05, 2022"The Elements: A Sound and Movement Collaborative"Fred C. Tillis Performance Hall at Bromery Center for the ArtsAmherst, MAUMass Percussion Ensemble and University Dancers collaborate a show togetherWorks by Xenakis, Neustadter/van Sice, Glass, and Treuting
Friday, February 04, 2022"Elements: Movement and Sound"Fred C. Tillis Performance Hall at Bromery Center for the ArtsAmherst, MAUMass Percussion Ensemble and University Dancers collaborate a show togetherWorks by Xenakis, Neustadter/van Sice, Glass, and Treuting
more info...
Wednesday, November 24, 2021The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center: Artist SeriesChamberMusicSociety.orgNew York, NY(This event will preimere at 7:30 PM ET and remain on demand for one week.)A mini documentary film followed by past performancesmore info...
Thursday, October 28, 2021The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center: New MilestonesThe Daniel and Joanna S. Rose StudioNew York, NY"New Milestones: Boundaries and Edges"
Shih-hui Chen: Returnings for Flute, Cello, and Percussion
Alexandre Lunsqui: Topographia Index 3A
more info...
Sunday, October 17, 2021Percussion Day at UMass AmherstBromery Center for the Arts - Bezanson Recital HallAmherst, MAmore info...
Friday, August 06, 2021Yellow Barn ConcertThe Big BarnPutney, VTGeorge CRUMB: An Idyll for the Misbegotten (Images III) (1985/1997)
Stephen Stirling (French horn)
Ayano Kataoka, Eduardo Leandro, Matthew Overbay (percussion)
more info...
Wednesday, July 21, 2021Guest Speaker at SōSI (Sō Percussion Summer Institute)Onlinemore info...
Sunday, July 18, 2021Chamber Music NorthwestReed College, Kaul AuditoriumPortland, OR 97202Béla BARTÓK: Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion, Sz. 110 (1937)
Gloria Chien, Marc-André Hamelin (piano)
Ian Rosenbaum, Ayano Kataoka (percussion)
more info...
Saturday, July 17, 2021Chamber Music NorthwestReed College, Kaul AuditoriumPortland, OR 97202Béla BARTÓK: Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion, Sz. 110 (1937)
Gloria Chien, Marc-André Hamelin (piano)
Ian Rosenbaum, Ayano Kataoka (percussion)
more info...
Sunday, March 15, 2020Chamber Music Socirty of Lincoln CenterAlice Tully HallNew York, NYSonata for Two Pianos and Percussion (1937) by Béla Bartók
Alessio Bax, Lucille Chung (piano)
Ian David Rosenbaum, Ayano Kataoka (percussion)
more info...
Saturday, March 14, 2020Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterSUNY Purchase Conservatory of MusicPurchase, NYSonata for Two Pianos and Percussion (1937) by Béla Bartók
Alessio Bax, Lucille Chung (piano)
Ian David Rosenbaum, Ayano Kataoka (percussion)
more info...
Saturday, February 29, 2020UMass Percussion Ensemble Performs at BMACBrattleboro Museum and Art CenterBrattleboro, VTmore info...
Sunday, February 09, 2020Faculty Recital at UMass AmherstUMass Amherst Fine Arts Center - Bezanson Recital HallAmherst, MAWorks by Sueyoshi, Kitazume, Fukushi, and others
Guests: Elizabeth Chang (violin), Hiromi Fukuda (piano)
more info...
Saturday, February 01, 2020The McCormick Marimba FestivalUniversity of South Florida School of MusicTampa, FLAfterlife for marimba and percussion orchestra by Stuart Saunders Smith (World Premiere)
Saturday, January 18, 2020South Shore Percussion SymposiumFoxborough High SchoolFoxborough, MA
Thursday, January 16, 2020Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center: "New Milestones"Kaplan PenthouseNew York, NYmore info...
Sunday, November 17, 2019The Percussion Collective with Hartford Symphony OrchestraBelding Theater at The Bushnell Performing Arts CenterHartford, CTDrum Circles by Christopher Theofanidis
Carolyn Kuan, conductor
The Percussion Collective
Robert van Sice, artistic director
Svet Stoyanov, Doug Perry, Victor Caccese, Ayano Kataoka, percussion
more info...
Saturday, November 16, 2019The Percussion Collective with Hartford Symphony OrchestraBelding Theater at The Bushnell Performing Arts CenterHartford, CTDrum Circles by Christopher Theofanidis
Carolyn Kuan, conductor
The Percussion Collective
Robert van Sice, artistic director
Svet Stoyanov, Doug Perry, Victor Caccese, Ayano Kataoka, percussion
more info...
Friday, November 15, 2019The Percussion Collective with Hartford Symphony OrchestraBelding Theater at The Bushnell Performing Arts CenterHartford, CT
Drum Circles by Christopher Theofanidis
Carolyn Kuan, conductor
The Percussion Collective
Robert van Sice, artistic director
Svet Stoyanov, Doug Perry, Victor Caccese, Ayano Kataoka, percussion
more info...
Monday, October 28, 2019Percussion CollectiveUniversity of Nebraska at Lincoln
Sunday, October 27, 2019Percussion CollectiveUniversity of Nebraska at Lincoln
Sunday, September 08, 2019Five College New Music Festival 2019UMass Amherst Fine Arts Center - Bezanson Recital HallAmherst, MACoursings by Oliver Knussenmore info...
Friday, September 06, 2019Five College New Music Festival 2019UMass Amherst Fine Arts Center - Bezanson Recital HallAmherst, MALowlands by Salvatore Macchia (world premiere)more info...
Tuesday, August 13, 2019Salt Bay ChamberfestDarrows Barn on the campus of Round Top Farm Damariscotta, MaineOrazi e Curiazi by Giorgio Battistelli
Snow in June by Tan Dun
more info...
Sunday, August 04, 2019Music@Menlo "1990–2000, Music at the Millennium"The Center for Performing Arts at Menlo-AthertonAtherton, Californiahttps://musicatmenlo.org/cp/?evt=1426Micro-Concerto for Solo Percussion and Chamber Ensemble by Steven Mackeymore info...
Saturday, July 27, 2019Yellow Barn Music FestivalPutney, VT
Tuesday, July 16, 2019Yellow Barn Music FestivalPutney, VT
Monday, July 01, 2019Chosen Vale International Percussion SeminarEnfield Shaker MuseumEnfield, NH
Thursday, May 23, 2019Ayano Kataoka Percussion Recital in TokyoTokyo Opera City Recital HallShinjuku, TokyoMark Applebaum: Aphasia vocalist or actor with tape (2010)
Alejandro Viñao: Madera Viento y Metal for marimba and electronics (2016)*
Mauricio Kagel: L’art Bruit Solo for Two (1994-95)
Steven Mackey: Micro-Concerto for Solo Percussion, Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Cello, and Piano (1999)*
Iannis Xenakis: Rebonds pour percussion solo (1987-89)
*Japanese Premiere
Tuesday, April 16, 2019Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center: George Crumb at 90Alice Tully HallNew York, NYCrumb Black Angels (Thirteen Images from the Dark Land) for Electric String Quartet (1970)
Crumb The Ghosts of Alhambra (Spanish Songbook I) for Voice, Guitar, and Percussion (2008)
Crumb Music for a Summer Evening (Makrokosmos III) for Two Amplified Pianos and Percussion (1974)
more info...
Sunday, April 14, 2019Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center: George Crumb at 90Alice Tully HallNew York, NYCrumb American Songbook III: Unto the Hills for Soprano, Amplified Piano, and Four Percussionists (2002)
Crumb New Work for Percussion Quintet (CMS Commission, World Premiere)
more info...
Tuesday, April 02, 2019Art + Math = MusicUMass Amherst Fine Arts Center - Bezanson Recital HallAmherst, MAAphasia by Mark Applebaum
Kind of Denmark by Morton Feldman
Rebonds a by Iannis Xenakis
Nidus by Jazer Giles (world premiere)
more info...
Tuesday, October 09, 2018UMass Amherst Faculty Concert: Ayano Kataoka 10th AnniversaryUMass Amherst Fine Arts Center - Bezanson Recital HallAmherst, MAmore info...
Sunday, August 19, 2018Timeless MasterworksLittle Theatre - SPACSaratoga Springs, NY 12866Steven Mackey: Micro-Concerto for Solo Percussion, Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Cello, and Piano
more info...
Sunday, May, 20, 2018Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center: "Concerto Night!"Alice Tully HallNew York, NY"Micro-Concerto" for Solo Percussion and Mixed Quintet by Steven Mackeymore info...
Saturday, March 03, 2018Yale School of Music Faculty Artist Series: Robert van Sice and Morse Recital Hall in Sprague Hall at Yale School of MusicNew Haven, CTSeabourne by Garth Neustadter (world premiere)
Sextet by Steve Reich
May 15-17, 2015Cuatro Corridos performs in Mexico CityTeatro de las ArtesMexico City, Mexico
Tuesday, March 24, 2015Stockhausen Showcase ConcertSmith College Museum of ArtNorthampton, MAmore info...
Thursday, March 19, 2015String Theory at the HunterHunter Museum of American ArtChattanooga, TNmore info...
Saturday, February 28, 2015UMass Amherst Percussion Group Presents: Cerebral ResonancesBrattleboro Museum and Art CenterBrattleboro, VTWorks by Andy Akiho, J.S. Bach, Casey Cangelosi, Thierry de Mey, Peter Klatzow, Steve Reich, and Alejandro Viñaomore info...
Thursday, February 5, 2015CMS on TourHarris TheaterChicago, INmore info...
Tuesday, February 3, 2015Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center: DrummingAlice Tully HallNew York, NYmore info...
Friday, September 12, 2014Stuart Sauders Smith: Words and MusicBrattleboro Museum & Art CenterBrattleboro, VTWhen Music is Missing Music Sings
Thinking about Anne Sexton
...And Points North
more info...
Friday, August 8, 2014Gala Benefit Legal Aid Foundation of Los AngelesZipper Hall at Colburn School of MusicLos Angels, CAhttp://cuatrocorridos.com/Cuatro Corridos, a chamber opera addressing one of the most critical human rights issues of our time: human trafficking.more info...
Thursday, July 31, 2014American VisionsThe Center for Performing Arts at Menlo-AthertonAtherton, California
Thursday, June 26, 2014Concert for 2 pianos and 2 percussionIshibashi Memorial Hall at Ueno Gakuen UniversityTokyo, JapanSonata for 2 pianos and percusion by Bartok and othersmore info...
Wednesday, April 9, 2014Advanced Percussion EnsembleBezanson Recital Hall at UMass AmherstAmherst, MA
Monday, April 7, 2014Cuartro Corridos @ 2014 John Donald Robb Composers’ SymposiumUniversity of New MexicoAlbuquerque, New Mexicomore info...
Wednesday, February 19, 2014UMass Wind Ensemble ConcertFine Arts Center Concert Hall, UMass AmherstAmherst, MASteven Stucky's Percussion Concerto
Tuesday, November 13, 2012Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterAlice Tully HallNew York, NYMicro-Concerto for percussion solo and chamber ensemble by Steve Mackey
Sunday, July 22, 2012Chamber Music North WestPortland, Oregon
Saturday, July 21, 2012Chamber Music North WestPortland, Oregon
Tuesday, March 13, 2012Ayano Kataoka Faculty RecitalBezanson Recital Hall, Fine Arts Center, UMass AmherstAmherst, MA
Friday, February 24, 2012Svet Stoyanov Faculty RecitalUniversity of MiamiMiami, FL
Saturday, February 4, 2012McCormick Marimba FestivalTampa, FL
Friday, February 3, 2012McCormick Marimba FestivalTampa, FL
Sunday, November 20, 2011Advanced Percussion EnsembleBezanson Recital Hall, Fine Arts Center, UMass AmherstAmherst, MAworks by Takemitsu, Piazzolla, Kagel, Hurel, Ewazen, O'Meara, and Vinao by UMass Percussion Studiomore info...
Friday, November 18, 2011masterclass by Kunihiko Komori at UMass AmherstRoom 36, Fine Arts Center, UMass AmherstAmherst, MAlecture and chamber music coaching by Japanese marimba virtuoso Kuni Komorimore info...
Thursday, November 10, 2011Percussive Arts Society International ConventionIndianapolis, INperformance of Rebonds by Iannis Xenakismore info...
Wednesday, September 21, 2011Conor Nelson Faculty RecitalBowling Green State UniversityBowling Green, OHFlute and Percussion Duo Recital
Sunday, September 11, 2011Five Colleges New Music FestivalBezanson Recital Hall, UMass AmherstAmherst, MA
Saturday, September 10, 2011Five Colleges New Music FestivalBezanson Recital Hall, UMass AmherstAmherst, MA
Friday, September 9, 2011Five Colleges New Music FestivalBezanson Recital Hall, UMass AmherstAmherst, MA
Friday, August 26, 2011Skaneateles Music FestivalFirst Presbyterian ChurchSkaneateles, NYHistoire du Tango by Piazzolla with Conor Nelson (flute), Partita No. 3 by Bach etc.more info...
Wednesday, August 24, 2011Skaneateles Festival “Musical Happy Hour”Anyela’s VineyardsSkaneateles, NY
Thursday, July 28, 2011Bridgehampton Chamber Music FestivalBridgehampton, NY
Friday, June 10, 2011bluemallet concert vol. 5Tsuda Recital HallTokyo, Japanmore info...
Sunday, May 1, 2011Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center: Striking Sounds IIAlice Tully HallNew York, NYXenakis: Rebonds for Percussion Solo; Bartok: Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion; Crumb: Music for a Summer Evening (Makrokosmos III) for Two Amplified Pianos and Percussionmore info...
Friday, April 29, 2011Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center: Striking Sounds IAlice Tully HallNew York, NYGeorge Crumb: Selections from Six American Songbooks for Baritone, Piano, and Percussion; Tan Dun: Snow in June for Cello and Four Percussionmore info...
Sunday, March 27, 2011Faculty Recital: Ayano Kataoka Percussion RecitalBezanson Recital Hall at UMass AmherstAmherst, MAguest artists: David Bowlin (violin), Conor Nelson (flute)
Saturday, February 19, 2011Montreal/New Music International FestivalMontreal, Canada
Friday, February 18, 2011Montreal/New Music International FestivalMontreal, Canada
Thursday, December 9, 2010UMass Symphony Band and Percussion Ensemble ConcertFine Arts Center at UMass AmherstAmherst, MAmore info...
Thursday, December 2, 2010New Music in the RoseRose Studio, Lincoln CenterNew York, NYSteven Mackey: Micro-Concerto for percussionist and mixed quintet; Tsuneya Tanabe: Recollections of the Island Sea for flute and marimbamore info...
Tuesday, November 16, 2010CMS on TourCleveland, OHWorks by Bartok and Crumb with Wu Han and Gilbert Kalish (pianos), and Daniel Druckman (percussion)more info...
Sunday, November 14, 2010CMS on TourBates CollegeLewiston, MaineWorks by Bartok and Crumb with Wu Han and Gilbert Kalish (pianos), and Daniel Druckman (percussion)more info...
Wednesday, November 10, 2010CMS on TourEaston, PAWorks by Bartok and Crumb with Wu Han and Gilbert Kalish (pianos), and Daniel Druckman (percussion)more info...
Monday, October 25, 2010Faculty Recital: Gwen Burgett ThrasherMichigan State UniversityEast Lansing, MIWorks by Klatzow, Koppel, Takemitsu, and others
Sunday, October 24, 2010Day of Percussion in MichiganMichigan
Sunday, August 15, 2010Subtle SoundsPresbyterian ChurchBridgehampton, NY'Flutings' for Flute and Percussion by Leon Kirchnermore info...
Saturday, August 14, 2010Family Concert - Sounds of NatureBridgehampton, NYmore info...
Friday, August 13, 2010BRIAN LITTLE CONCERT – BUCOLIC BESTIARYChanning Sculpture GardenBridgehampton, NYDEBUSSY: Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun; SAINT-SAËNS: Carnival of the Animals (Narrator: Alan Alda)more info...
Friday, July 23, 2010Music@Menlo Chamber Music FestivalThe Center for Performing Arts at Menlo-AthertonAtherton, CAConcert Program I 'The Seasons'more info...
Friday, May 28, 2010Conor and Ayano Duo - CD release concertFirst Presbyterian ChurchBrooklyn, NYguest artist: David Bowlin (violin)more info...
Sunday, May 2, 2010UMass Percussion Ensemble ConcertBowker Auditorium, UMass AmherstAmherst, MAmore info...
Thursday, April 1, 2010Solo RecitalBezanson Recital Hall, UMass AmherstAmherst, MAwith guest artist Gwen Burgett Thrasher (Assistant Professor of Percussion at Michigan State University)more info...
Tuesday, March 16, 2010Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterAlice Tully HallNew York, NYFinnish Voicesmore info...
Sunday, February 21, 2010Lynn Klock Saxophone Solo RecitalBezanson Recital Hall, UMass AmherstAmherst, MA
Wednesday, February 10, 2010ConcertNYUNew York, NYPercussion music by Stuart Saunders Smith
Tuesday, November 24, 2009Tuesdays in Bezanson Concert SeriesBezanson Recital Hall, UMass AmherstAmherst, MAperformed with Fredric T. Cohen (oboe), Gregory Hayes (harpsichord), and Salvatore Macchia (contrabass)piece: Les Citations by Henri Dutilleux

Affiliations & Ensemble Memberships

University of Massachusetts AmherstDepartment of Music & Dancehttp://www.umass.edu/music/index.php
The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterOne of the leading organizations for the performing arts that maintains an international roster of the world’s finest chamber musicianshttp://www.chambermusicsociety.org/
The Percussion CollectiveLaunched by my mentor Robert van Sice (Artistic Director), The Percussion Collective consists of artists who transcends the medium of percussion through uncommon performance experiences that surprise and engage audiences at a profound emotional level. https://thepercussioncollective.com/
Cuatro CorridosContemporary Music - Theater Project, on subject of human trafficking. Project is led by soprano Susan Narucki and writer Jorge Volpi with composers Lei Liang, Hilda Paredes, Arlene Sierra and Hebert Vazquezhttp://cuatrocorridos.com/


Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center: Artist Series A retrospective of my early life along with interviews and performances were featured on the CMS’ live stream program "Artist Series" in fall 2021click here for more info
Conor Nelson (flute)My performing partner of "Conor and Ayano Duo", flute and percussion duohttp://www.conornelson.com/
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning at UMass AmherstUMass Civic Engagement and Service-Learning (CESL) promotes learning for life-long, engaged citizenship, partnering with communities to work collectively for a more just society. I was a faculty fellow in AY 21/22. https://www.umass.edu/cesl/

Web Design

Aestheticize MediaWebsite Photography & Designhttp://www.aestheticize.com/
For booking and all other inquires, contact Ayano Kataoka at:

Johann Sebastian Bach
Cello Suite No. 6
Gavotte I & II
Johann Sebastian Bach
Cello Suite No. 6
Iannis Xenakis
Rebonds b (Live Performance)
Dennis Desantis
Breaking Training (Excerpt)
from Breaking Training
with Conor Nelson (flute)
Teruyuki Noda
Eclogue for Flute & Percussion (Excerpt)
from Breaking Training
with Conor Nelson (flute)
Kevin Puts
And Legions will Rise for marimba, violin, and clarinet (Live Performance, Excerpt)
with Arnaud Sussmann (violin) and Jose Franch-Ballester (clarinet)
Steven Mackey
Micro-Concerto for Percussionist and Mixed Quintet
III. Click, Clak, Clank
from Music@Menlo Live 2019: Incredible Decades vol.7
Ayano Kataoka (percussion), Tara Helen O'Connor (flute), Romie de-Guise Langlois (clarinet), Kristin Lee (violin), David Requiro (cello), Hyeyeon Park (piano)


Selected Photos from Official Website

ChamberFest West (summer 2022)

Lake Champlain Chamber Music Festival (summer 2022)

Various Performances


Fun Photos!

Multi-Percussion Solo

Rebonds a by Iannis Xenakis
Vic Firth Performance Spotlight
Filmed at Bezanson Recital Hall, UMass Amherst (2013)

Percussion Ensemble

Le Livre des Klavier II. Duo de marimbas by Philippe Manoury
Yellow Barn 2020 Summer Season
Streamed on August 1, 2020
Ayano Kataoka, Eduardo Leandro (marimba)
The Lonelyness of Santa Claus by Fredrik Andersson
Yellow Barn 2020 Summer Season
Streamed on July 30, 2020
Ayano Kataoka, Eduardo Leandro (marimba)
Rain Tree for Percussion Trio by Tōru Takemitsu
The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center
Filmed live at Alice Tully Hall on February 3, 2015
Christopher Froh, Ayano Kataoka, Ian Rosenbaum (percussion)
Pillar IV by Andy Akiho
Commissioned by Time Travelers (Gwendolyn Dease, Ayano Kataoka, Ian Rosenbaum, Svet Stoyanov)
Video Performance by Ji Hye Jung, Ayano Kataoka, Ian Rosenbaum, and Svet Stoyanov
Trois rivières by Kaija Saariaho
The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center
Live streamed on January 16, 2020
Ayano Kataoka, Ian Rosenbaum, Christopher Froh, Eduardo Leandro (percussion)

Chamber Music

Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion by Béla Bartók
The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center
Filmed live in the Daniel and Joanna S. Rose Studio on March 15, 2020
Alessio Bax, Lucille Chung (pianos)
Ian Rosenbaum, Ayano Kataoka (percussion)

Chamber Opera

Cuatro Corridos (Trailer)
Cuatro Corridos is a chamber opera addressing one of the most critical human rights issues of our time: human trafficking. Based on true events, it tells the story of women trapped in a cycle of prostitution and slavery in and around the San Diego/Tijuana border region and represents an unprecedented collaboration between internationally acclaimed Mexican and US-based creative artists.

Theater Music

Gone, Dog. Gone! by Mark Applebaum
Yellow Barn 2020 Summer Season
Streamed on July 30, 2020
Ayano Kataoka, Eduardo Leandro (percussion)
Musique de tables by Thierry de Mey
The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center
Filmed live at Alice Tully Hall on February 3, 2015
Christopher Froh, Ayano Kataoka, Ian Rosenbaum (percussion)
Aphasia "dialect" (excerpt) by Mark Applebaum
Encore Performance with Josh Perry (percussion)
Ayano Kataoka Percussion Recital
ConText: seeing and feeling vol. 3 "Decade"
May 23, 2019
Tokyo Opera City Recital Hall (Tokyo, Japan)

Faculty Appointments

University of Massachusetts Amherst
Amherst, MA
Professor of Percussion
Teach graduate and undergraduate percussion students, conduct weekly studio class, and direct Percussion Ensembles
UMass Amherst Percussion Studio
Facebook Page
YouTube Channel

Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln
Wuppertal, Germany
Visiting Professor (Fall/Winter 2023-24)

Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY
Interim Percussion Instructor (Fall 2019)
Taught DMA students and coached percussion chamber ensembles

Summer Institutes

Yellow Barn
Putney, VT
Instructor for Young Artists Program (2021- )
Visiting Faculty (summer 2019)

Sō Percussion Summer Institute
Princeton University (Princeton, NJ)
Guest Speaker/Artist (summer 2014, 2021, 2023)

Chosen Vale Percussion Seminar
The Center for Advanced Musical Studies at Chosen Vale (Enfield, NH)
Guest Faculty (summer 2019)

Master Classes

University of Toronto | Toronto, Canada
SUNY Fredonia | Fredonia, NY
University of Michigan | Ann Arbor, MI

Hochschule für Musik Detmold | Detmold, Germany
Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber Dresden | Dresden, Germany

Boston Conservatory at Berklee | Boston, MA
Michigan State University | East Lansing, MI
Universidad Nacional de las Artes | Buenos Aires, Argentina

Arizona State University | Tempe, AZ (Remote)
University of Kansas | Lawrence, KS (Remote)
Stony Brook University | Stony Brook, NY (Remote)

Vanderbilt University | Nashville, TN (Remote)
University of South Florida | Tampa, FL

University of Nebraska at Lincoln | Lincoln, NE
Facultad de Música de la Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas | Chiapas, Mexico
McCormick Marimba Festival at the University of South Florida | Tampa, FL

University of Kansas | Lawrence, KS
Michigan State University | East Lansing, MI

North Carolina NewMusic Initiative at East Carolina University | Greenville, NC

2017, 2016
Festival Internacional Cervantino | Guanajuato, Mexico

University of Nevada, Reno | Reno, NV
McGill University | Montreal, Canada
University of Veracruz | Xalapa, Mexico
Lee University | Chattanooga, TN

Ueno Gakuen University | Tokyo, Japan
University of New Mexico | Albuquerque, NM

Kyoto City University of Arts | Kyoto, Japan

University of Miami Frost School of Music | Miami, FL
University of South Florida Tampa | Tampa, FL
Bard College | Annandale-on-Hudson, NY

Onondaga Community College | Syracuse, NY
Toin University of Yokohama | Yokohama, Japan

Percussive Arts Society Day of Percussion (Michigan) | East Lansing, MI
Wright State University | Dayton, OH
Interlochen Arts Academy | Interlochen, MI

Sylvia Smith Percussion Duo (Baltimore, MD; Sharon, VT)
Performances and master classes with percussionist Sylvia Smith featuring percussion and theater music by Stuart Saunders Smith

Keene State College, UMass Amherst, The Hartt School of Music, Goucher College, University of Maryland College Park, Millikin University School of Music, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

University of Maryland Baltimore County, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, University of Akron

Western Michigan University, Catholic University, Goucher College, New College of Florida, University of South Florida Tampa, Western Carolina University, North Carolina School of the Arts, Appalachian State University, Georgia State University, Central Florida University, University of North Florida, Stetson University

Michigan State University, Coe College, Iowa State University, University of Iowa, University of Northern Iowa, University of Chicago, Kansas State University, University of North Texas, West Texas A&M University

UMass Amherst, Bowdoin College, Slippery Rock University, New York University, William Patterson University, Queens College, University of California San Diego, Simon Fraser University, University of British Columbia, Portland State University

Stony Brook University, The Hartt School of Music, SUNY Fredonia, Bowling Green State University, Eastman School of Music, Oberlin Conservatory, University of Akron, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Carnegie Hall’s Ensemble Connect
New York, NY
Adjudicator for the live percussion auditions (2020, 2023)

Young Concert Artists
New York, NY
Invited as adjudicator for percussion finalists (2017-19)

The Great Plains International Marimba Competition
Wanda L. Bass School of Music at Oklahoma City University (Oklahoma City, OK)
Adjudicator in high school solo division, collegiate solo division, and graduate solo division (2013-14)

Music@Menlo: Incredible Decades vol. 7
Various Artists

Featuring "Micro Concerto" for Percussionist and Mix Quintet by Steven Mackey
Ayano Kataoka (Percussion) Tara Helen O'Connor (Flute) Romie de Guise-Langlois (Clarinet) Kristin Lee (Violin) David Requiro (Cello) Hyeyeon Park (Piano)
Cuatro Corridos: A Chamber Opera
Cuatro Corridos

This remarkable chamber opera, set to a libretto by Jorge Volpi, was written by four composers-- two Mexican and two from the United States. Librettist Volpi writes that "the stories told in the opera help us to hear and see precisely what we prefer to ignore and pass over in silence."
Susan Narucki (Soprano), Pablo Gomez (Guitar), Aleck Karis (Piano), Ayano Kataoka (Percussion)
Music@Menlo: Around Dvořák vol. 6
Various Artists

Featuring "American Songbook II: A Journey beyond Time" by George Crumb
Florian Conzetti, Percussion Christopher Froh, Percussion Gilbert Kalish, Piano Ayano Kataoka, Percussion Ian Rosenbaum, Percussion Randall Scarlata, Baritone
Paul Lansky: Textures and Threads
Various Artists

"Textures" is composed for the group Hammer/Klavier (two pianists and two percussionists) and is a major addition to the repertoire for this combination. "Threads" for 4 percussionists has become one of the most frequently performed pieces for percussion ensemble, played and recorded by dozens of professional and university ensembles. Threads is given a wildly dynamic ride in this new recording by the Time Travellers.
Hammer/Klavier: Svet Stoyanov, Gwendolyn Dease (percussion); Thomas Rosenkranz, Michael Sheppard (piano) Time Travellers: Gwendolyn Dease, Svet Stoyanov, Ian Rosenbaum, Ayano Kataoka (percussion)
CMS Live! Adolphe: Self Comes to Mind
Based on text by Antonio Damasio; Recorded from a live performance on November 13, 2012 in Alice Tully Hall
Efe Baltacigil, cello; Ayano Kataoka, Ian David Rosenbaum, percussion
Music@Menlo: Maps and Legends vol. 1
Various Artists

Fearturing "Music for a Summer Evening (Makrokosmos III)" by George Crumb
Christopher Froh, Percussion; Gilbert Kalish, Piano; Ayano Kataoka, Percussion; Wu Han, Piano
Breaking Training
Conor & Ayano Duo

The Conor and Ayano Duo explores repertoire for flute and percussion that takes its inspiration from various folkloric, world music, and vernacular styles.
Conor Nelson (flute), Ayano Kataoka (percussion)
STUART SAUNDERS SMITH: The Links Series of Vibraphone Essays
Various Artists

The Links Series of Vibraphone Essays is scored for vibraphone in various settings, from unaccompanied solos to duos with flute, piano and off-stage orchestra bells. The title "Links" refers to the entire structure of the work, in that the end of one composition elides to the beginning of the next-a link in a delicate necklace. Also, "links" in German means "left" in English.
Masako Kunimoto, Steve Sehman, Bill Sallak, Steven Schick, Aiyun Huang, Fabio Oliveira, Justin DeHart, Jude Traxler, Berndt Thurner, Ayano Kataoka, Chris Leonard, Dale Speicher, Matt Apanius, vibraphone; Katalin Lukacs, piano; Gisela Mashayekhi-Beer, flute
Dreams of Fancy, Tales of Loss
The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center

Featuring "Dream Music No. 2" for Harpsichord, Celesta, and Percussion by William Balcom
Kenneth Cooper (harpsichord) Ayano Kataoka, John Ferrari, Tom Kolor (percussion)


千葉県出身。5歳よりマリンバ、15歳よりパーカッションを始める。東京藝術大学音楽学部卒業後に渡米し、ジョンズ・ホプキンス大学ピーボディ音楽院にて修士課程、イェール大学音楽院にてアーティスト・ディプロマコースを修了。久保友子、藤城佳之、高橋美智子、有賀誠門、ロバート・ヴァン・サイスの各氏に師事。ニューヨークのリンカーンセンターを拠点とするリンカーンセンター室内楽音楽協会(Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center=CMS)の若手演奏家育成プログラム「The Bowers Program (CMS Two)」に、難関のオーディションを経てパーカッショニストとして初のアーティストとなる。2005年のCMSデビューコンサートで、エマニュエル・アックス/野崎洋子夫妻、ドン・リウツィ(フィラデルフィア管弦楽団首席ティンパニスト)とバルトークの「2台ピアノと打楽器の為のソナタ」を演奏して以来、アメリカの室内楽シーンをリードする協会の主要メンバーのパーカッショニストとして、高度な演奏技術と芸術性、かつ柔軟なアンサンブルスキルを要する様々なレパートリーの演奏に携わり、あらゆる楽器のトップレベル奏者との共演を維持している。 2017-18年シーズン最後のCMSコンサートではコンチェルトソリストとしてスティーブン・マッキー作曲の「ミクロ・コンチェルト」を演奏、プログラムとシーズンのトリを務めた。2009年、世界的チェリストのヨーヨー・マと、 ニューヨークのアメリカ自然史博物館にてチェロと2人のパーカッショニストの為の新曲「Self Comes to Mind」(Bruce Adolphe作曲)を、脳神経科学者による脳のイメージ画像とのライブコラボレーションという形で世界初演。その他、ストラヴィンスキー作曲の「兵士の物語」を、アメリカのTVシリーズ「M*A*S*H」のホークアイ・ピアス役で有名な俳優のアラン・アルダ、同じくTVドラマ「ER緊急救命室」ジョン・カーター役で知られるノア・ワイリーらと共演する等、ジャンルを超えたプロジェクトやアーティストとのコラボレーションも多数おこなっている。日本では、2009年東京オペラシティー文化財団主催の「B to C(ビートゥーシー)」に出演、コンサートの模様はNHKBSの「クラシック倶楽部」にて放送された。現在アメリカに在住し、マサチューセッツ大学アマースト校(University of Massachusetts Amherst) 音楽学部打楽器科教授として、後進の指導にも当たっている。